Missouri Veterans Endeavor (MOVE) is a community for Veterans and their families experiencing homelessness. The key to MOVE's success begins with Veterans living among their peers in a secure and sober environment with on-site services.
Once on site, each Veteran and their family member is assigned a Social Worker for Clinical Case Management services. Together they create and implement a well-defined individualized action plan to address specific obstacles and goals, with the final destination being the Veteran and Veteran family relocating back into the general community. This unique formula allows Veterans and their families to succeed together. MOVE empowers struggling Veterans to rediscover a sense of purpose and optimism and to realize their goal of independent living.
At MOVE, we are determined to be an anti-racist organization. We welcome all Veterans. We recognize that Veterans do not come from one specific race or origin but from a wide demographic of racial and cultural differences. Currently, 71 percent of the Veterans served identify as Black or African American. When a Veteran comes in for an assessment, we ask about their cultural considerations to ensure we are serving that individual Veteran to the best of our capabilities. We are committed to making the greater St. Louis area a better place to live, work and thrive for all. We build community partnerships with those organizations and individuals that work toward the same goal for the greater St. Louis area.
Veterans in our program may receive help overcoming barriers through:
Long-Term Supportive Housing
We are a 21-unit apartment site, housing up to 40 Veterans and/or Veteran families.
We coordinate and/or provide transportation to our Veterans and their dependents.
Emergency Assistance
We may provide direct financial assistance to the Veterans in our program who encounter unforeseen expenses. We may also provide emergency housing for veterans who remain unhoused during extreme weather and bridge housing.
We offer individual, group, couples, and family therapy access to those Veterans in our program.
Child Care Assistance
We may assist our Veterans with childcare expenses.
Clinical Case Management
Each Veteran meets with their Social Worker to engage in Clinical Case Management services to identify and overcome the barriers that brought them to MOVE.

Bill Wallace
Executive Director
Ashley Smith, MSW, LMSW
Clinical Care manager

8410 Engler Park Ct. St. Louis, MO 63114
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
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